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admin 人物作文 2021-12-14 08:18:00 朋友作文


  Dear hn,

  I&rsqu; glad/ happ/delighted t receive ur letter, and I&rsqu; ver excited t hear the news that u will ce t China next nth. Here is advice.

  T start with, what I suggest is that u shuld read se bs abut the custs f China. After all, the custs in China aren&rsqu;t siilar t thse in England . On the ther hand, Chinese peple are fnd f bargaining while buing things. Thus u have t bargain when ging shpping. What&rsqu;s re iprtant is that u are suppsed t learn Chinese well. If u want t learn it quicl, waling a lt is necessar. When waling, u can ae an friends and tal t the freel s as t practice ur Chinese. As fr Chinese fd, it&rsqu;s delicius. Meanwhile, I d hpe u can taste different inds f dishes in China.

  I&rsqu; ling frward t hearing fr u as sn as pssible.

  urs trul

  Li hua


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